Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Matthew Vecchio Music supporting Junglebean theatre company.

Matthew Vecchio Music has donated some sound equiptment for Junglebean theatre company

details of the show to follow

'Two, by Jim Cartwright'

‘TWO’ by award winning playwright Jim Cartwright – a hilarious and touching piece of theatre that takes place over one night, in a pub, in the North of England.

“The hectic hour! There’s been a lot of copping offs, two fallings out, a fight, three proposals of marriage, and a birth in a snug, and it’s nowhere near last orders yet. What more could a publican want?”

‘Two’ is a play about pub life: The people who serve the drinks, the people who drink them, and what happens as the empties pile up.

Sit back, relax and enjoy a drink as fourteen colourful characters are brought to life around you in a flurry of virtuosic acting and quick-change costuming by the indefatigable Renee Gentle and Tim Overton.

A play directed by highly respected South Australian director Michael Hill, designed by Cassandra Backler, stage managed by Jess Nash, and featuring an original score composed by Evan Bassani.

“A sharp, salty, quickfire evocation of English pub life.” The Guardian

TWO’, by Jim Cartwright
Upstairs at the Directors Hotel, 247 Gouger Street, Adelaide
Previews Oct 28 & 29 @ 7:30pm, Season Oct 30, Nov 2-6, 9-13 @ 7:30pm
Adults $20/ Concession $18/ Preview $12 + $1.10 internet booking fee
Book tickets through www.dramatix.com.au/two_jim_cartwright,
on 0431 996 065 or at the door

a facebook line:


Keep on fighting!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Mshift2 News - Wheeler's Treasure is out!! get your priate on!

M@ News - Wheeler's Treasure is nearly out!!(sumitted to the iphone store) get your priate on!

M@ (Matthew Vecchio) has composed the music for the game.

Hey Wheeler's Treasure (Two Lives Left) is on the fringe of being released on the Iphone.
this game is a real gem, it's a treasure! (Pun kinda intended)

Check out Two Lives Left webpage for more infomation about the game.

Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wheelers-Treasure/147449648773

Website - http://twolivesleft.com/


Matthew Vecchio Music News - Tim Mc

Currently Ryan and I are working out a Fringe show and bringing down 'Tim McMillan' (Melbourne) and his band (also from Melborune) to Adelaide to do some shows.

the show will be about new genre of music he is crafting 'goblincore' (as if there wasn't enough genres of music in the world) anyway i think its something anybody who likes expiremental, different ways of playing the guitar, something 'a bit different' in their music should see.

just watch tim play for 5 seconds and you'll dig the sound and be curious about him

here are some links.

Myspace (remember when it was hip?!)

Youtube (this still is hip!)

we'll keep you posted about the fringe show !

Keep Fighting

We are Born Born Born !!


The 'Matthew Vecchio Music' Blog is here!!
(i bet you didn't even know it was coming!)

"This is our current home"

hey we don't have a proper website / community for Matthew Vecchio Music at the moment and won't for at least a few months but i am keen to start interacting with the world so for the time being this is going to be the centre of Matthew Vecchio Music. then later on we can migrate into a bigger website - ( perhaps an 'actual' website - or maybe having your own website is a bit old hat these days?! )

so i'd like to say thank you 'Blogger' and 'Google' for giving us some space on the net.

anyway this blog is about Matthew Vecchio and Matthew Vecchio Music and all that world. so expect postings about events organised by MVM, music written / worked on by Matthew Vecchio, Mat raving about business, art and life in general and anything else which i think would be in best interest to post.

p.s FYI i have actually purchased web space for www.matthewvecchiomusic.com.au - but there isn't much to see i installed a cms template but didn't do much after that !

ah well you gotta start somewhere

Keep Fighting,